This is where I write down things I’m thinking of at the time, maybe rant a bit. Sometimes this will be helpful to other people.
Recent Posts
Running LXC/Proxmox containers unprivileged
Running an unprivileged lxc container with recent systemd Recent builds of systemd (around version 252) implemented a bunch of features that break proxmox/lxc containers. The canonical way of working around this is to enable nesting, but this isn’t really recommended as it gives access to the host’s /proc and /sys.. it only takes a bug and breaking out of the container becomes possible.
There is a workaround script for this.. it’s not installed by default, and as far as I know not in any packages.
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Fix for pipewire being silent on login Pipewire runs as a user process, and for some reason on my setup it wasn’t working on login.. Symptoms are needing to switch devices to make audio start working.
This fixes it with restart on every login:
In /etc/xdg/autostart/pipewire.desktop put:
[Desktop Entry] Exec=/usr/bin/systemctl --user restart pipewire Name=Restart pipewire Type=Application X-KDE-StartupNotify=false OnlyShowIn=KDE; Icon=plasma NoDisplay=true I presume something like that is supposed to be there already, but currently on Debian Testing it isn’t.
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Winbind Stuff
Winbind stuff I’m not going to go into how to setup a machine with winbind, becuase it involves writing smb.conf and judging by the sites I visited doing this, the syntax changes rapidly enough that anything I write will be obsolete in 6 months.
Instead I’ll just point you at the source: Things I found whilst adding a server this way - bearing in mind I’m using RFC2307 throughout not rid:
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